Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beards for Babies

You can read the full blog post by clicking here.

Here is a summary from the Children of the Promise website:

Join us in a one month event that challenges men to grow their beards for babies. How does growing a beard help support babies? Great question! Here is the break down…


We are first asking you to commit to spreading the word of COTP by recruiting 1 other person to grow their beard with you. Also…after signing up, you will receive a Beards for Babies T-shirt! Help grow awareness by showing off your new T-shirt and introduce people to COTP through your wardrobe.


After committing, make a one time donation of $300 or become a monthly baby sponsor for $35/month for one year. You can choose to donate yourself, or find others to “sponsor” your beard.


Let your masterpiece of a beard grow freely for the month of March. Submit it a before and after picture to: cotp.usoffice@gmail.com. Your picture may even be advertised on the COTP’s Facebook page! However, if you would like your picture to remain private, no worries, just mention it in your email.

How do I sign up?

You can sign up in two ways…

1. Sign up by making an online donation of $300 or sign up to be a baby sponsor for $35/month for one year. Indicate in the comments box that your donation is going towards sponsoring your beard. Be sure to write your full name.

2. By clicking the image below, download and print the sign up sheet and physically mail in your commitment.

Will you grow your beard to spread the JOY in Haiti?

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