What I'm Learning About Haiti

Here is a list of the questions that I have answered so far.  If you click on the question you can find out the answer!

Day One: Where is Haiti?

Day Two: How Many People Live in Haiti?

Day Three: What Types of Transportation are in Haiti?

Day Four: What Does the Haitian Flag Look Like?

Day Five: What Does Haiti Look Like?

Day Six: What Do Kids Look Like in Haiti?

Day Seven: What Animals Live in Haiti?

Day Eight: What is the Weather In Haiti?

Day Nine: What Will Your Money For This Fundraiser Go Toward?

Day Ten: What Type of Jobs Do People Have in Haiti?

Day Eleven: What Type of Jobs Do People Have in Haiti? (Part Two)

Day Twelve: What Do Houses Look Like in Haiti?

Day Thirteen: Are There Snakes in Haiti?

Day Fourteen: What Timezone Is It In Haiti?

Day Fifteen: How Is My Fundraising Going?

Day Sixteen: What Food Do People Eat In Haiti?

Day Seventeen: What Are Schools Like In Haiti?

Day Eighteen: What Are Other Ways to Wear Your Hair in Haiti?

Day Nineteen: What Would My Life Be Like If I Lived at Children of the Promise?

Day Twenty: Are There Butterflies in Haiti?

Day Twenty-one: Where Do People Get Food in Haiti?

Day Twenty-two: What Does Daddy's Beard Look Like Now?

Day Twenty-three: What Has Children of the Promise Done for Me & My Family?

Day Twenty-four: Why Do They Speak Different Languages in Haiti?

Day Twenty-five: What is Children of the Promise?

Day Twenty-six: Who Works at Children of the Promise?

Day Twenty-seven: Where is Children of the Promise?

Day Twenty-eight: What Do They Do at Children of the Promise?

Day Twenty-nine: How Much Money Do I Need to Raise to Reach My Goal?

Day Thirty: Did We Meet Our Goal?

Day Thirty-One: What Will Children of the Promise Do With the Money I Raised?

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