Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 31 Question: What Will Children of the Promise Do With the Money I Raised?

Today is the last day of our fundraiser.  I'm sad that it is over but I have learned so much about Haiti.  I've learned some really interesting things about snakes, schools in Haiti, taps taps, and how the girls wear their hair.  My favorite post was the one about what kids look like in Haiti.  That was really fun!

For my last question I want to write about what COTP will do with the money we raise.  They will buy diapers and food for the babies.  They can also buy medical supplies, medika mamba, formula, and other things they need for the babies there.  You can read all about Beards for Babies by clicking here.
Thank you for sponsoring me.  With your help we raised $1001 !!

I hope you have learned about Haiti with me.  There is so much more about Haiti than what I ever knew before.

Thank you!!!!

Daddy's Beard: The Last Day

I took this picture of Daddy with his beard.

This is the last day for Daddy's beard.  He is shaving it off before work tomorrow!

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Day 30 Question: Did We Meet Our Goal?

We reached our goal of $1000!

 Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!

148 2886 from Brent Sleasman on Vimeo.

Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!

For my last post tomorrow I will write about how COTP could use the money you donated.

Thank you!!!!  Thank you!!!  Thank you!!!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day 29 Question: How Much Money Do I Need to Raise to Reach My Goal?

So far, I have raised $869 for the Beards for Babies fundraiser!  Thank you so much!

There are only two days left to help me reach my goal of $1000.

Thank you!!!!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 28 Question: What Do They Do at Children of the Promise?

We have a brochure from Children of the Promise that tells about some of their programs.  Here are some of the things they do.

Prenatal Care [I didn't know what this word means until I read about COTP]
Mommies and daddies visit often to learn how to take care of themselves and their babies.

Formula & Medika Mamba Program [I've written about Medika Mamba before.  You can read those posts by clicking here and here.]  Medika Mamba is a special food for babies made from peanut butter with special vitamins and minerals.  If a baby is under one year old they are in formula program and if they are older than one they are in the Medika Mamba program.

School Sponsorship Program [If you want to read what I wrote about schools you can click here.]
To go to school in Haiti a person has to pay a lot of money.  They have to pay to go to school and buy uniforms and pencils.  You can sponsor someone for school by clicking here.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 27 Question: Where is Children of the Promise?

Children of the Promise is in Lagossette, an area very near Cap Haitien.  Daddy said that Lagossette is close to the Cap Haitien airport.  You have to take a bunch of dirt roads from the main road to Cap Haitien.  It is considered more in the country than the city of Cap Haitien.  You can see some pictures of COTP in some of my other posts.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day 26 Question: Who Works at Children of the Promise?

There are 21 people listed on the Children of the Promise website who work in the United States, Canada, and Haiti.  You can see some of their pictures by clicking here.

The people and families that work with COTP are from Nebraska, Washington, Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas, Michigan, and Ohio.  I have been to Ohio but not any other of these states.  And I've been in Canada!

Some of the families have adopted children from Haiti.

There are a lot of different jobs done by the people who work with COTP.  There are nurses, and field directors (I don't know what that is!  Daddy just told me that he is in charge), and a teacher.  My brother was in the preschool class taught by the same teacher who is working there now!

They also pay local Haitians to help with laundry, cooking, and groundwork.  Other local Haitians are paid to be nannies.  The nannies take care of the babies by loving them and helping them with getting food and clothes.  They give jobs to a lot of people from Haiti!