Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day 23 Question: What Has Children of the Promise Done for Me & My Family?

My Mommy and Daddy took this picture this morning before we left for church today.  In case you can't tell this is my sister, me, and my bother, oh, I mean my brother.  Oops!!  Hee hee!

This is when my brother and sister still lived in Haiti at Children of the Promise (COTP) before they lived in my house and could sit on my couch for that picture!

This is me from Easter last year before my brother and sister came home.

Children of the Promise helped me have a brother and sister to play with, and read with, and spend time with as a family.  So COTP has DEFINITELY changed my family for the better!!!  I hope to visit COTP some day soon!!

Adoption is only one piece of what they do.  Check back this week to learn more about COTP.

[Daddy's note: If you feel led to consider adopting a child from COTP click here for more information.]

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