Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 28 Question: What Do They Do at Children of the Promise?

We have a brochure from Children of the Promise that tells about some of their programs.  Here are some of the things they do.

Prenatal Care [I didn't know what this word means until I read about COTP]
Mommies and daddies visit often to learn how to take care of themselves and their babies.

Formula & Medika Mamba Program [I've written about Medika Mamba before.  You can read those posts by clicking here and here.]  Medika Mamba is a special food for babies made from peanut butter with special vitamins and minerals.  If a baby is under one year old they are in formula program and if they are older than one they are in the Medika Mamba program.

School Sponsorship Program [If you want to read what I wrote about schools you can click here.]
To go to school in Haiti a person has to pay a lot of money.  They have to pay to go to school and buy uniforms and pencils.  You can sponsor someone for school by clicking here.

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