Thursday, March 6, 2014

Day Six Question: What do kids look like in Haiti?

Zoe and Dahelson have been talking about Dr. Seuss all week so Zoe wanted her answer for tonight to rhyme.  So, instead of just writing the words we thought we would make this a family affair.  Enjoy!

Day Six from Brent Sleasman on Vimeo.

Here is the full text of her poem:;

I've never been to Haiti and that makes me shed a tear
So I've never seen kids there but I'll show you the ones here

My brother and sister were born in Cap Haitien; that is the reason we love the Haitian nation
My brother and sister have brown skin and black hair; Dahelson's right here and Ellie's over there

All kids are different but God loves us the same even when we have different features different sounding names
Like Zoe and Dahelson and Amstamaelle; but we call her Ellie in case you couldn't tell

It's almost time for bed so my rhyme is all through; say good night Thing One, Say good night Thing Two
So, for Day Six our answer is over
I need to go help Horton find his missing clover

[Horton Hears a Who! is one of Zoe's favorite books by Dr. Seuss]

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