Monday, March 31, 2014

Day 31 Question: What Will Children of the Promise Do With the Money I Raised?

Today is the last day of our fundraiser.  I'm sad that it is over but I have learned so much about Haiti.  I've learned some really interesting things about snakes, schools in Haiti, taps taps, and how the girls wear their hair.  My favorite post was the one about what kids look like in Haiti.  That was really fun!

For my last question I want to write about what COTP will do with the money we raise.  They will buy diapers and food for the babies.  They can also buy medical supplies, medika mamba, formula, and other things they need for the babies there.  You can read all about Beards for Babies by clicking here.
Thank you for sponsoring me.  With your help we raised $1001 !!

I hope you have learned about Haiti with me.  There is so much more about Haiti than what I ever knew before.

Thank you!!!!

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